
Lesson: Giving Opinions at Work

Published on September 27, 2024

In this lesson, you will practice giving opinions about IT-Related matters.

Pre-Task #1: Test your Level (20 Mins)


Test your English Level


  1. Take 15 minutes to complete this short listening and reading test.
  2. When you are done, show me the results

Pre-Task #2: Giving Reasons and Solutions (35 Mins)


Practice giving your opinions about these matters


  1. Make Pairs
  2. Check the cards
  3. Tell your partner if you agree or disagree with the statements
1 of 9
Click the button to start

Pre-Task #3: Dialogue (35 Mins)


Now it is time to test our reading skills a bit


  1. First watch this one-minute video
  2. What’s the speaker trying to say?
  3. Do you agree with the message given by the speaker? Why or why not?
  4. Share your opinion with two classmates.

Break(30 Mins)


Now it is time to run around the uni like you were little kids

Main -Task: Dialogue (60 Mins)


Voice your opinions about different matters

Post-Task: Pronunciation (15 Mins)


Let’s practice pronunciation

  1. Install Elsa Speak from the Play Store or App Store
  2. Create a free account.
  3. Watch these two clips and check these two Elsa Speak Lists
YouTubeElsa Speak
3:31 ə (la Schwa)Practice
4:08 ɜ: (la Schwa larga)Practice

Writing-Task (30 Mins)


Time to Test what you have learned

Follow the instructions given by the professor, once you are done, upload your written report to the virtual campus


Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org and EnglishPost.net, blogs whose mission is to share lessons and exercises for those who want to learn and improve their English