
Lesson: Reacting to News

Published on September 11, 2024 | Updated on September 21, 2024

In this lesson, you will learn how to react to good or bad news in English using different expressions

Let’s start by defining what Good and Bad News are:

  • Good news refer to information or events that are positive, beneficial, or favorable in nature. Good news typically brings happiness, relief, or satisfaction to the recipient.

  • Bad news refer to information or events that are negative, unfavorable, or undesirable in nature. Bad news often brings disappointment, concern, or distress to the recipient.

Time to learn and practice how to react to good and bad news

Task #1: Expressions to React


Read the expression and categorize them into neutral, for good news and for bad news

Task #2: Good or Bad Situations


Before we get started, let’s check the vocabulary that you will probably need for the task.

To GetEnvironment
To lay offPaycheck
To FireA raise
To PromoteLong Hours
To DemoteWritten Warning
To shut downPerformance review
To SueScholarship
To RetireWeeks off


Now it is time to classify the situations into good or bad news


Now you have to identify the tense used in each one of the sentences

These are the options

ASimple Past
BSimple Present
CSimple Future


Now react to each one of the situations using some of the expression introduced earlier

For example:

  • I work with my best friends
  • That’s really awesome

Task #3: Dialogue


Pick one of the previous situation and create a dialogue with your partner

Make sure the dialogue includes:

  1. Greeting
  2. Small Talk
  3. Situation (Good or Bad New)
  4. Reaction
  5. Follow-up questions
  6. Farewell

Task #4: Writing Task


Write what the teacher requests

  1. _______________________
  2. _______________________
  3. _______________________
  4. _______________________
  5. _______________________
Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org and EnglishPost.net, blogs whose mission is to share lessons and exercises for those who want to learn and improve their English