Natasha: Hi Aaron! How are you Selecthappentodaybadhackedcrazyfirewallweak? Aaron: Hi Natasha! I’m okay, but I just got some Selectfirewallhappenhackedbadweaktodaycrazy news. Natasha: What’s the bad news? Aaron: Our website got Selecthappenweakhackedfirewallcrazybadtoday! Natasha: Really? That’s fucking Selectfirewallhackedbadcrazytodayweakhappen! Aaron: I know! I didn’t think it could Selecthappencrazyhackedtodayweakbadfirewall to us. Natasha: What do you think caused the hack? Aaron: Maybe our passwords were Selecthappenhackedweakbadfirewallcrazytodayor we didn’t have enough security. Natasha: What should we do now? Aaron: We need to clean the site and create a custom Selectbadfirewalltodaycrazyweakhappenhacked Natasha: Good idea! Let’s meet later to check everything. Aaron: Sounds good! See you later, Natasha!SubmitRetryPreviousNext Manuel CamposI am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of and, blogs whose mission is to share lessons and exercises for those who want to learn and improve their English