
Grammar: Simple Present Affirmative 26

Published on September 4, 2024

“Make” and “do” can be confusing for many.

In Spanish both are translated as “hacer” so I understand where the confusion comes from.

  1. “Make” is used for creating or producing something or for actions that result in a new product or state.
  2. “Do” is used for duties, or tasks.

With that information can you figure this out?


Simple Present

Complete the sentences by choosing the right verb

1 - "I need to ___ my homework"

2 - "I have to ______ 20 squats today"

3 - "They ___ a lot of noise.

4 - "They ___ delicious pancakes."


Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org and EnglishPost.net, blogs whose mission is to share lessons and exercises for those who want to learn and improve their English